Monday 14 November 2016

Questionnaire conclusion


Overall, the target audience questionnaire has helped me understand the needs of the people who will watch my movie. I've learnt that the male audience enjoys suspense which is a crucial information because now I know to create suspenseful enigmas which will appeal to them. Also, now I know that James Bond, who is courageous, brave and strong, is an iconic character within the Thriller movie industry. This information helped me because now I know that at least one of my characters must be brave and strong and will be able to fight the evil.

Also, the fact that the female audience has clearly stated that thriller action movies are not for them helps me because I now know that if I want to appeal to a wide target audience there must not be much action within the movie, instead, as suggested by the audience, I should create enigmas and suspense.

Furthermore, from the questionnaire has helped me to see that our target audience is extremely varied, from a 18 year old girl who enjoys sports to a 17 year old male who would rather stay at home and create videos. This allows me to understand the needs of our audience, for example in the exhibition of our product I know understand that selling the movie on CD/Netflix will appeal to audiences like Emily.

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