Sunday 25 September 2016

Thriller sub genres

Thriller sub genres

There are many thriller sub genres which are used to give movies the appropriate theme, for example in the James Bond movies the sub genre is action. Action within thriller movies bring in the aspects of explosions, excitement and back-to-back fights, therefore the target audience for such movie would be the demographics of young, male, adults who seek a break from their day-to-day school or work life.

However, thriller movies also have many different sub genres such as:
  • Conspiracy thrillers: Usually the protagonist will, alone, fight a big organisation to help the government,
  • Crime thrillers: This thriller is self explanatory since within this sub genre the narrative is all about crimes and most likely have something to do with the law enforcement.
  • Disaster thrillers: Plot is usually the same- disaster happens, protagonist tries to fix it. 
  • Mystery thrillers: It differs from a regular mystery by being much more fast-paced, with the protagonist on the run and the threat of another crime serving as the “ticking clock.”
Many other sub genres include: legal, medical, political and supernatural thrillers.

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