Sunday 25 September 2016

Hermeneutic and Proairetic codes

Hermeneutic codes

The hermeneutic codes are associated with creating enigmas within a movie.
An example of a "HER" code occurring in a movie is within Star Wars, where one of the main characters (Darth Vader) at the end of the movie explains that he is the father of the main character. This was an enigma for the entire movie.

Proairectic codes

The proairetic codes are small enigmas or mysteries that occur in a movie multiple times.
An example of a "PRO" code is when, usually in thriller/action movies, there is a non diegetic sound, therefore the audience doesn't know why who or where the gunshot was and what is meant. This creates a tiny enigma and makes the viewer stay on the edge of their seats. An example of such enigma would be in the movie Split when the killer comes behind the car and the camera moves away from the victim so the audience doesn't know what happens to him until the killer gets in the car.

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