Sunday 25 September 2016

Thriller movie ideas

Thriller movie ideas

My first idea for a thriller movie will be "Dead Man Walking" which will be a thriller with a sub genre of action. It will be an action packed, full of suspense and excitement movie where the protagonist is a retired FBI agent and has become the most known criminal in the whole of UK. Car steals, stunts and fights will be within the movie to give it a spice and make the audience be on the edge of their seat throughout. Can the FBI catch the protagonist?

My second idea for a movie is "Silent Forest" which will be a combination of a thriller with a mystery sub genre. The narrative will be based around one mystery- the "Forgotten Forest" which has had a reputation of never letting out those who dared to go within its depths. A group of friends will try to conquer the forest and find out what supernatural fenomen causes this mystery. It will be a slow paced movie, with some dynamic scenes to make sure that the audience doesn't fall asleep whilst watching it.

My third, and last, movie idea is "Time's ticking" which most likely will be a thriller movie with a sub genre of disaster. The plot will be very entertaining as scientists will try to figure out what is causing the earthquakes that are killing many people and destroy buildings in London. Every day multiple earthquakes occur and the citizens are in danger. How many people can the scientists save? Time's ticking.
This movie will contain many special effects to make the earthquakes as realistic as possible, therefore the audience will believe in the plot line.

Hermeneutic and Proairetic codes

Hermeneutic codes

The hermeneutic codes are associated with creating enigmas within a movie.
An example of a "HER" code occurring in a movie is within Star Wars, where one of the main characters (Darth Vader) at the end of the movie explains that he is the father of the main character. This was an enigma for the entire movie.

Proairectic codes

The proairetic codes are small enigmas or mysteries that occur in a movie multiple times.
An example of a "PRO" code is when, usually in thriller/action movies, there is a non diegetic sound, therefore the audience doesn't know why who or where the gunshot was and what is meant. This creates a tiny enigma and makes the viewer stay on the edge of their seats. An example of such enigma would be in the movie Split when the killer comes behind the car and the camera moves away from the victim so the audience doesn't know what happens to him until the killer gets in the car.

Thriller sub genres

Thriller sub genres

There are many thriller sub genres which are used to give movies the appropriate theme, for example in the James Bond movies the sub genre is action. Action within thriller movies bring in the aspects of explosions, excitement and back-to-back fights, therefore the target audience for such movie would be the demographics of young, male, adults who seek a break from their day-to-day school or work life.

However, thriller movies also have many different sub genres such as:
  • Conspiracy thrillers: Usually the protagonist will, alone, fight a big organisation to help the government,
  • Crime thrillers: This thriller is self explanatory since within this sub genre the narrative is all about crimes and most likely have something to do with the law enforcement.
  • Disaster thrillers: Plot is usually the same- disaster happens, protagonist tries to fix it. 
  • Mystery thrillers: It differs from a regular mystery by being much more fast-paced, with the protagonist on the run and the threat of another crime serving as the “ticking clock.”
Many other sub genres include: legal, medical, political and supernatural thrillers.

Monday 12 September 2016

Conventions of thriller movies

Conventions of thriller movies

What are thriller movies?: Thriller is a movie genre consisting of action packed, mysterious, full of suspense and anticipation plot in which the protagonist is constantly in danger which keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. An example of such movie is Taken where the main character is in unwanted danger which he has to fight throughout the film, using: guns, cars, fists and knowledge.

Codes and conventions of a thriller movie: The protagonist is usually someone with not so boring life which is related to some kind of criminal acts, danger or the law enforcement. The main character will be associated by the audience with someone who can get out of an oppression or danger quickly; he should be able to overcome danger quickly, yet not always flawlessly as that will reduce the tension within the movie.
The convention of the movie plot is somewhat similar to an action movie due to the amount of excitement, anticipation, suspense and even sometimes uncertainty.
Within the James Bond movies the protagonist consists of the codes that are associated with a main character in a thriller movie, as he is an unbeatable agent that constantly fights "bad guys" throughout. 

It is also known that within the media industry in which thriller films are created money is being carelessly spent on blowing up cars, just like in the Fast and Furious movies where the convention of action is being fulfilled by car stunts and explosions which make the audience feel more tension as to whether the protagonist will come out of danger alive.

Sunday 11 September 2016


Welcome to my blog!

Whether you are wondering how thriller movies are made or what they actually are, you've come to the right place. 

Hi! My name is Matt and in this blog I will be uploading my development of a thriller opener weekly. Throughout this course I am extremely excited to find out all the ways in which media products are created- all the camera angles, ways of creating tension and many more! Hopefully, you will find this blog either useful or entertaining! Also, thanks for viewing my blog :)