Friday 6 January 2017

Meeting Minutes

27th of December

  • Khaleem has given us the idea of where we could film.
  • We have agreed on the location which is the forest in Crystal Palace.
  • We have decided which equipment we will use: the Cannon 100d as well as a suitable tripod.

  • The equipment was given to us, therefore we were able to get familiar with it.
  • We decided that we will take planning shots on the 3rd of January.

3rd of January

  • We have met up near the location with the equipment.
  • We went around the location to see for the best places where we could set up the scenes.
  • After we found some good locations we took a couple shots so we will remember where they are.
    This is a good place to record a thriller because it is quite claustrophobic and might connote to the audience fear.

    This shot was quite suitable as there is a quite steep fall which is not dangerous, however we can use it to our advantage to make some over the shoulder shot where someone will fall and disappear off the shot.

    This scenery might not be the best due to the fact that it is very open, however it could also imply that something can jump out of anywhere which creates suspense.

    We've decided to record the scenes where we need the forest scenery on the 7th and 8th of January.

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